News & Updates
Video Surveillance at Rink and Parking Lot

JUNE 20, 2024
Please be advised that the rink at the EDF Outdoor Recreation Centre and the Sunrise Park parking lot are now under video surveillance. This, in addition to the previously monitored interior of the Sunrise Skate Shack, and the sea can. If you have any questions, please email or view our video surveillance policy.

MAY 24, 2024
Cypress County Council approved the DCA's 2024 Recreation Grant application to match $14,985.72 towards basketball hoops and new dugouts at the baseball diamond. Both projects had been deemed first priority to the DCA board and were already in the works, but these matching funds will now allow the DCA to proceed with the other line items that we had hoped to accomplish this year. We are so grateful for the indispensable support we have received from Cypress County over the years. The value of their guidance and encouragement to our group of volunteers can't be overstated.
In addition, the GST refund of $28,647.33 was received and deposited on March 22! All plan contingencies have been satisfied and the 2024 improvement plan will proceed!
Baseball Dugout Installation Complete

JUNE 14, 2024
The new covered dugouts at the Sunrise Park Baseball Diamond are done! Diamond Link Fencing Inc. not only did a fantastic job of installing, they also donated $1000 to the project as well as the roofing materials valued at an additional $400. Cypress County matched the funds with the DCA for this project as part of the annual Recreation Grant that all community associations in the County can apply for each year. We thank both parties for their generous contributions!
The DCA will also be purchasing new benches for the dugouts to come later this year.
Board Approves 2024 Plans at AGM

March 16, 2024
The DCA AGM held in the Cypress County Council chamber on March 13th was eventful, and outlined the ambitious plans to continue improvements to the EDF Outdoor Recreation Centre in 2024. First, the Board welcomed Crystal Eichelbaum as a new Director, and we look forward to working with her! Plans for improvements this year include basketball hoops, additional cameras at the rink and parking lot, additional 8' rectangle tables, a sound system, upright cooler, cage for skate shack window, benches for outside the rink, picnic tables, and new dugouts at the baseball diamond. Completion of all items was approved pending the receipt of a $28,000 GST refund from CRA, and approval by Cypress County of the 2024 Recreation Grant application. In addition, plans for a pump track will continue, and the public notice board by the West-side mailboxes will be repaired.
EDF Outdoor Recreation Centre has Ice!

JANUARY 8, 2024
For the first time since the inception of the EDF Outdoor Recreation Centre, there is ice in the rink! Construction completed in the Spring of 2023, and the facility has been enjoyed by the community on many occasions all year. As a mild winter approached, we feared the weather wouldn't cooperate. Thankfully, temperatures dropped in the first weekend of January, and volunteers flocked to help prepare the ice surface.
We are so thankful to the community volunteers who have offered to maintain the surface this year. Please be respectful of their efforts, and do not bypass the "Closed for Ice Maintenance" signs when they are up.
The warm-up skate shack and bathrooms are accessible to DCA members only, but the rink is open to the public from 7:00am to 11:00pm daily. Closures due to private facility rentals are noted in our Facility Bookings calendar page. Visit our Membership page to become a DCA member today.
Enjoy the rink!
2nd Annual Merry & Bright Festival

NOVEMBER 17, 2023
Save the date for the 2nd annual Merry & Bright Festival on December 15th! Join with your fellow Dunmore residents to celebrate the season with music, bonfire, family skating (pending ice condition), and of course, sleigh rides! There will be hot chocolate and cider for all, and 100 goodie bags (first come). The Eagle Butte High choir will be performing again, and leading the gathering in some Christmas carols. Don't forget to bring an ornament for the Community Christmas Tree! Click here for details.
Intergenerational Learning Program Begins

NOVEMBER 16, 2023
The DCA has partnered with Eagle Butte High School to create a program to share knowledge and skills between the different generations in our community. The idea was proposed in an open Dunmore online forum in August and was received with enthusiasm. On September 28th, EDF Renewables granted the program a $2000 cheque to kick it off. The first 3 classes have been scheduled including German Cooking, Instagram for Adults, and German Christmas Baking. Spots are limited, but once the program gets rolling the class size may expand. Classes are taught by both adults/seniors to kids, and kids to adults/seniors. The concept is that knowledge can be shared both ways, and it's a great opportunity to involve the whole community and bring people of all ages together!
DCA is Hiring Casual Caretaker

OCTOBER 1, 2023
The DCA is looking to hire a local, casual labourer to perform basic caretaking of the EDF Outdoor Recreation Centre approximately 1/week. Tasks include periodic garbage removal in and around the rink, cleaning 2 bathrooms, re-filling soap dispensers/paper towels/garbage bags as needed, keeping the skate shack clean, and making note of any damage. Individual may also unlock facilities for renters and do an inspection when they are done. Schedule is extremely flexible, $20/hr. Please email if interested in learning more.
Cypress Wind Community Fund Grant Awarded

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
EDF hosted a celebration for the completion of their Cypress I and II projects at the EDF Outdoor Recreation Centre on September 28th. During the luncheon, presentations of $2000.00 cheques were made by EDF to the successful applicants for the annual Cypress Wind Community Fund grant. Recipients of grant funds this year were:
Irvine Minor Hockey Association, Irvine School Parent Council, DCA, Dunmore Equestrian Society, and Eagle Butte High School/DCA. Thank you EDF for your continued support of our community!
Dunmore Days 2023
AUGUST 26, 2023

Thank you to all of the volunteers and organizers who worked so hard to put Dunmore Days together. A special shout-out to Christy Vince of Paintergirl Murals & Decorative Painting who astounded everyone with her amazing skills! Cypress County councilors came out to flip pancakes and serve breakfast to approximately 150 people. Thank you! And Reeve Dan Hamilton generously donated the bouncy castles which the kids look forward to each year!
BEST CAR SHOW EVER!!! Trevor Eichelbaum and Valerie Wickenheiser put on an amazing event. We heard nothing but good things about the improved location, perks, and overall organization of the event. We learned so much from their experience, and hope you'll both come back next year! Thank you both for everything you did to put on a show we are so proud of!
Congratulations to all of the winners:
People’s Choice - Gary Meidinger 1929 Ford Model A
Participants Choice
1st Place Len Grandy - 1977 Ford F150 pickup
2nd Place Darcy Frey - 1955 Chevrolet Pickup
3rd Place Lloyd Stuber 1979 Ford 150 Pickup
We also want to thank the donors of door prizes for the show participants. Your generosity helped enhance the event so much and made it more enjoyable for the participants.
We asked Cypress County Fire Services to "Make it Rain" at Dunmore Days, and boy, did they ever! What an entrance! As soon as those fire hoses opened up, there was a mass stampede of kids to the water. It was incredible to watch, and the mist could be felt all the way to the infield. Thank you so much for participating at Dunmore Days in this way! Your contribution to the days' events was truly a highlight!
HALO Air Ambulance made a huge impression landing in the outfield for the Ball Drop fundraiser at Dunmore Days. A total of $3870 was raised, with the closest ball landing within 4" of the bullseye! Congratulations to Ryan Shrives who purchased the winning ball and took home $1,290.00! HALO and the DCA also benefited from 1/3 of the pot each. Thank you to everyone who supported this event, and especially to HALO for making it happen!
Canadian Natural Resources Limited came to Dunmore Days this year! They generously donated a free BBQ supper for 200 people. Not just donated...but cooked and served as well! Thank you so much for supporting our community!
Click here for a full listing of all event sponsors
The EDF Outdoor Recreation Centre is OPEN!

MAY 27, 2023
The official grand opening of the EDF Outdoor Recreation Centre was an amazing event! Just over 200 people attended and enjoyed live music, free BBQ, and incredible entertainment by the Little Red Ball Company. The stilt walkers made quite an impression, along with the juggling and hula acts.
Thank you to our project sponsors: EDF Renewables, Cypress County, Richardson Foundation, GVN Structures, RES, Wahl Construction, Industrial Backhoe, Optimist Club
DCA Fills 5 Board Seats at AGM

MARCH 1, 2023
We are so pleased to announce the addition of Trisha Drescher (President), Nevada Meyer, and Rocheal Howes to the DCA Board of Directors, along with returning Directors Shevaun Perrault and Jenna Riess. The DCA can only function when community volunteers step forward and get involved, and we are so thankful for their willingness to contribute to the betterment of our community. Our Board is 11-members strong, with 6 terms expiring in 2024. It is never too early to plan ahead and get ready to nominate or put yourself forward to fill a seat next year!
Cypress County Approves Funds to Outfit Rink

MAY 19, 2023
Cypress County approved $27,800 capital recreation grant funding to cover tables & chairs, hockey nets, pickleball nets, line marking, and the cold storage container. All purchasing will be on hold until the bathroom installation is complete (mid-July), so the cold storage unit can be put in place first. Thank you Cypress County Council!
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in Works for Rink

FEBRUARY 20, 2023
The DCA is planning a Grand Opening celebration and ribbon cutting ceremony to honor all of the donors/sponsors of the outdoor rink project. Final touches are still going on in the new facility, but will be wrapping up soon. Click Here for details about this amazing event!
Thank you to our project sponsors: EDF Renewables, Cypress County, Richardson Foundation, GVN Structures, RES, Wahl Construction, Industrial Backhoe, Optimist Club
Five Board Seats to Fill at 2023 AGM
JANUARY 20, 2023
The DCA needs new blood! 5 board seats are opening up this year as 2-year terms are expiring, and we are looking for community members (18 or older) to continue the good work being done, and come with fresh new ideas and enthusiasm. If you want to have a say in DCA decisions, help with projects to create and improve recreational spaces in Dunmore, or just want to have fun putting on community events then this is for you!
You don't have to "run" like in a formal election so don't worry about that! You just have to inform us by January 29th that you are interested and your name will appear on the ballot. The DCA is entirely made up of community volunteers and the first step is just putting yourself out there and showing up!
Voting will occur at the upcoming DCA AGM on Feb 28th at 7pm at the Cypress Council chamber. If you are interested, or want to know more please email Also browse our website while you're here and view past minutes to learn about what's going on in the community.
Please share this post and encourage your neighbors to get involved. The current DCA board has worked extremely hard for the last 2 years and needs a fresh wave of energy and input. We really need your help to fill all 5 seats!
Merry & Bright Festival 2022
DECEMBER 19, 2022

The 1st Annual Merry & Bright Festival at Sunrise Park on December 16th was a smashing success! Approximately 150 people came out to enjoy Christmas music, hot chocolate and apple cider, sleigh rides, and the warmth of the huge bonfire. Precious moments were made as families placed their ornament on the Community Christmas Tree, a 40' tall beauty that was decked out in lights for the occasion. The Eagle Butte musical theatre students performed two songs from their repertoire, and then led the crowd in Silent Night. It was a beautiful, emotionally charged moment that really evoked the feeling of Christmas. We thank all of the organizers who made this event such a success, and thank Jay for lending his feeder so the fire could be safely contained. The Cypress County Fire Department was also on hand, and we thank them for attending. The sleigh rides were operated by Blair Reid, who donated his entire fee to the Dunmore Equestrian Society! We are already looking forward to putting on this event again next year!
Dunmore Community Christmas Tree gets Lights!

OCTOBER 30, 2022
United Rentals generously donated the use of a boom lift over the weekend so the DCA could install Christmas lights on the Community Christmas Tree. We thank them heartily for their support! The tree will serve as a time capsule of sorts, as residents are encouraged to add a family ornament each year with their name and current year. Together we will create memories, and we hope this will become a beloved family tradition to work into the holiday season.
Structure at Outdoor Rink Complete

OCTOBER 30, 2022
The building at the Outdoor Rink Project is now complete! GVN Structures finished off the cladding and eavestroughs, and Elite Electrical Services completed installation of the lighting and outlets. Kelly Meier donated equipment to move all of the rink boards inside the structure to await installation this Winter. Thank you to all community members and businesses that have made this project possible. It is yet uncertain as to when the rink will be ready for use, but we will post updates once installation begins.
Phase II of the Outdoor Rink Project Approved!

JULY 26, 2022
The DCA received news of our successful application to the Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) grant facilitated by Alberta Culture and Status of Women. The DCA was awarded $125,000.00 to go towards the Outdoor Rink Project. This announcement has prompted the approval of Phase II of the project, which will include the concrete pad, rink boards installation, electrical, line painting, and sports equipment. We are so thrilled that the facility will be ready for ice this winter!
Trican Well Service donates $1,500 to
Pump Track Project

June 25, 2022
Trican Well Service has donated $1,500.00 towards the pump track project in Dunmore! This company has been a strong supporter of the Dunmore Community Association and we appreciate their support so much. To date, the pump track fund is at $7,057.81!
$5,557.81 Raised to Date for Pump Track

JUNE 23, 2022
On May 12th, the DCA presented the Pump Track Project in more detail to the community, along with our goal of raising $5000 to go towards it. Just over a month later, we are so thrilled to report that this goal has been reached! The Dunmore Survivor Raffle raised $3312.50 and we thank each individual who purchased a ticket. Eagle Ridge has generously donated $1500, plus their winning sum of $82.81 from the raffle. Second place winner Dean Dirk also donated his $662.50 winnings back to the project. The generosity of people in our community is overwhelming and so appreciated!
Cypress Wind Project Announces $10,000
Annual Grant

June 23, 2022
EDF Renewable's Cypress Wind Project has announced an annual $10,000 community grant available for projects in Cypress County. Applications will be accepted from July 1st through July 31st, and funds will be awarded by August 30th. If your organization has an idea for a program that would benefit your community, we encourage you to apply! Click Here for Application Package
Dunmore Ball Diamond Opens July 8th!

JUNE 23, 2022
Elevation Landscaping has just done the first cut on the ball diamond! They have requested that we all keep off the grass for a further 2 weeks (until July 8th). Elevation Landscaping has done an incredible job throughout this project from leveling the field, to installing new irrigation and sod, and supporting the enhancement of this rec space in our community. We are so grateful they have been a part of this project, and appreciate their professionalism and efforts over and above, to anticipate and take care of every detail.
Dunmore Survival Raffle Raises $3312.50

June 21, 2022
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Dunmore Survivor Raffle. Together, you raised $3312.50 for the Pump Track Project! Congratulations to all the winners! Click Here For Results
Cypress County Funds $17,050 Site Elevation Change for Outdoor Rink Project
Optimist Club Donates $1,000 to Outdoor Rink Project

JUNE 21, 2022
Cypress County Council has approved an additional $17,050.00 contribution to the Outdoor Rink Project to raise the elevation of the rink footprint to approximately 4" above the parking lot grade to facilitate drainage. Thank you Richard Oster and Cypress County!

June 20, 2022
The Optimist Club Medicine Hat has generously donated $1500.00 to the Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project! These funds will go towards the new sports equipment (pickle ball nets, basketball nets, and hockey nets). Thank you so much for supporting our community!
Industrial Backhoes Ltd. Donates $6,500 towards Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project Upgrade

JUNE 15, 2022
Industrial Backhoes Ltd. has generously donated $6,500.00 towards the Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project! They will be excavating the 14 foundations for the roof structure and back-filling them free of charge. This donation of equipment and labour is so appreciated and we thank them for their very fine support.
1st Annual Dunmore Kite Festival a Success

JUNE 4, 2022
The wind was perfect for the 1st Annual Dunmore Kite Festival on June 4th! Approximately 45 people came out with 26 kites of all sizes and shapes. The DCA thanks Scott Plouffe at Throttle Hobbies for his amazing competitive flying demonstration. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Rink Demo Complete

MAY 31, 2022
The DCA wishes to thank Councilor Richard Oster and Dave Liebel for their work to remove the final rink boards and posts. Mr. Oster supplied and ran the equipment while Dave assisted manually. The space is now completely bare and ready for excavation of the foundations slated to begin next week.
Rink Demo Starts with a Bang

MAY 25, 2022
Fourteen volunteers came out Thursday evening to remove the puck board, chain link, and basketball hoops at the old rink in preparation for the equipment coming to demolish the rink frame next week. The DCA thanks each volunteer, and we are so encouraged by the community support for this project! It was a tough job, and it is most impressive that the group got it all done in one evening. Great work everyone!
Sunrise Park has Grass!

APRIL 28, 2022
Elevation Landscaping did a fantastic job putting in the sod at Sunrise Park on April 27th! The grass has completely transformed the park area, and we thank Cypress County for their support of this recreational space. The baseball diamond will be hydro-seeded later this Spring and the new irrigation system installed last Fall by Elevation Landscape will ensure the landscaping in both areas thrive.
GVN Structures Donates $12,000 towards Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project Upgrade

APRIL 12, 2022
GVN Structures has generously donated $12,000.00 towards upgrading the outdoor rink roof structure to include cladding on the West and South walls of the building. This will significantly improve the function and maintenance of the space, providing a much needed wind barrier to protect the ice surface, and make the space more usable for community events! We are extremely grateful to GVN Structures and appreciate their desire to go above and beyond to ensure that this facility serves the community as best as it can.
Dunmore Community Impact Grant is
Accepting Applications
2022 DCA Membership is Open

APRIL 14, 2022
Do you have an idea for an event or project that's been brewing in your mind that would benefit the community? Do you need a bit of funding to help get it going?
Check out the Dunmore Community Impact Grant today! Any Dunmore resident (including kids!) can apply! Click Here

APRIL 13, 2022
Did you know the DCA is just a group of your neighbors volunteering to run events and programs for Dunmore? Did you know that the more members we have, the easier it is to get funding, run programs and events for our community kids, and make improvements to our rec spaces? Annual membership is now open and is just $20. All membership fees go directly into programs and events. Please become a member today! Click Here
New Signage Installed at Dunmore's Sunrise Park

MARCH 30, 2022
Speedpro Signs has completed installation of the new signs for Sunrise Park and the Sunrise Skate Shack. It is amazing to read the list of local businesses who contributed labour and/or materials to last year's Park Revitalization Project a success. We have such a generous community and we are thrilled and humbled by the amount of people who got involved and made a difference. This, in addition to over 60 community volunteers who donated their time and effort to the project. This Spring, the area immediately around the playground will be sodded, and the ball diamond and outlying areas of the park will be hydro-seeded. The new irrigation system will ensure beautiful growth, and in no time the full transformation of Sunrise Park will be complete!
Richardson Foundation Donates $25,000 towards Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project
MARCH 28, 2022
Richardson Pioneer, through the Richardson Foundation, has made a $25,000 donation towards the Outdoor Rink Project. The Foundation has been supporting capital projects and community initiatives across Canada since 1960. The Outdoor Rink Project is a priority for the DCA because it will have long-lasting impact on our community and provide a space for sports, music, movies, dances, and community engagement. Thank you so much for your support!

GVN Structures to Erect New Rink Roof

MARCH 25, 2022
GVN Structures has been awarded the contract to erect the building over the outdoor rink! We look forward to working with them and appreciate their input and support.
For more information and regular updates on the project, please visit:
*Renderings provided by GVN Structures
Cypress Wind Project Donates $125,000 towards Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project

March 17, 2022
The Cypress Wind Project, owned by EDF Renewables has donated $125,000 towards the Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project. This, in addition to the $25,000 they donated towards the project in 2021 is a massive contribution to the fundraising goal required to raise the roof! Erection of the 66' x 110' open-sided building is now slated to commence this Fall.
We are so thankful for this generous donation, and look forward to a continuing relationship with EDF Renewables and the Cypress Wind Project.
Banger Bingo Fundraising Event

FEBRUARY 18, 2022
DCA Welcomes Two New Board Members

FEBRUARY 17, 2022
The DCA is bringing Banger Bingo to Rusty's Roadhouse on Saturday March 26 in an effort to raise funds for the Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project! These exciting entertainers will thrill attendees with classic rock anthems, interactive bingo, comedy, air guitar, and lots of laughs. Rusty's will have drink and food specials, and anyone who orders a pizza for delivery or pick-up on Saturday can opt to donate $5 towards the roof. We thank them so much for their support!
At the February 16th Annual General Meeting, Melissa Sawchuk and Kearston Reesor were elected to the DCA Board of Directors by acclamation. We welcome them wholeheartedly and look forward to working with them both in the coming years.
Ice is Almost Gone at Outdoor Rink
RES Donates $10,000.00 Towards Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project

FEBRUARY 17, 2022
JANUARY 31, 2022
Ice maintenance at the Outdoor Rink will cease as temperatures climb and the ice is melting. Please be advised that the remaining ice is slushy in places and may pose an additional hazard. Use the rink at your own risk. If the temperatures drop significantly, we will re-flood the rink. Until further notice, the Sunrise Skate Shack will remain closed.
Renewable Energy Services Canada Inc. (RES) has generously donated $10,000 towards the Dunmore Outdoor Rink Project. We can't thank them enough for supporting our community! This project will transform the run-down rink into a multi-season outdoor recreation facility that can be enjoyed by all. Their contribution is greatly appreciated, and brings us even closer to our fundraising goal to bring this project to life.

Board Position to be Filled at Upcoming AGM

JANUARY 5, 2022
A seat on the DCA Board of Directors has opened up due to a member moving away. We thank Mrs. Angela Adby for contributing her time and experience to the DCA and wish her and her husband all the best! The seat may be filled by a current member of the Dunmore Community Association and voting by the membership will occur at the February 16th Annual General Meeting at 6:00pm.
New Skate Shack is Open!

DECEMBER 30, 2021
The new skate warm-up shack is open to the public from 1pm-8pm daily until January 10th to coincide with the extended public school break. The shack is heated and has a large viewing window so parents can watch their kids on the rink in warmth. Users are asked to ensure the door is firmly closed after entering or exiting the building. Ongoing hours will be posted after the January 12th Board of Directors meeting.
Outdoor Rink is Open!

DECEMBER 29, 2021
After an unseasonably warm winter, temperatures finally fell to an appropriate level that the rink could be flooded. The warm-up shack is open from 1pm to 8pm daily until Jan 10th so everyone can make the most of it until school starts in the New Year. Ongoing hours will be posted once the schedule is finalized.
Thank you Scott Plouffe for all your work on the rink!!!
Cookies & Cards Event a Success

DECEMBER 3, 2021
Thank you to FS Safety Buzz Campus for lending us their building to host the DCA Cookies and Cards holiday event! Their space was perfect for us and we could not be more grateful. 43 participants had fun and spent time together creating beautiful cookies and cards to get in the holiday mood!
Cypress Wind Project Donates $25,000 to DCA

OCTOBER 19, 2021
The Dunmore Community Association wishes to express our appreciation and gratitude to EDF Renewables' Cypress Wind Project for the donation of $25,000 towards the Outdoor Rink Project which will include upgraded rink boards and an overhead roof. EDF has committed to annual contributions for ongoing and new projects to improve and develop our recreational spaces in Dunmore. The DCA will also assist in distributing funds on their behalf to other non-profit groups in our community on a small grant basis starting in 2022. We look forward to working with EDF Renewables, and thank them for their support and generous donation.
Dunmore Ball Diamond Gets Major Upgrade
Free Fun at Dunmore Dugout

OCTOBER 15, 2021
Cypress County has levelled the ball diamond by Sunrise Park, and top soil has been spread in preparation for grass. New irrigation is also going in yet this year so it’ll be ready to go next Spring. Get ready for beautiful green grass in the outfield next season! Thank you Cypress County for continuing to support these major improvements to our recreational spaces.

OCTOBER 15, 2021
The DCA wants to send out a huge thank you to Dan Hamilton from Dunmore Dugout for generously donating his facility for our Family Fun Night Event! The 46 kids who attended enjoyed free laser tag, rock climbing, the soft play area, and trampoline fun. We loved seeing the kids out and having a blast. A special thanks to Jenny Robinson with DL Snack Shack who donated a bag of cotton candy for each child.
Another thank you to the parent volunteers. We could not do it without you! You are all very much appreciated.
Stay tuned for our next event!!!
New Skate Warm-up Shack has Arrived on Site

The new skating warm-up shack was delivered to Sunrise Park on September 1st by Excel Quality Sheds. This 12'x20' building will be heated and boasts a large viewing window on the rink-facing side so parents can watch their kids in comfort this winter. Cypress County is re-locating the water service to the shed, and once completed, the shack will be moved into position and the interior will be finished.
Park Naming Contest Winner: Sunrise Park

AUGUST 28, 2021
Congratulations to Treslie Phillips for winning the Park Naming Contest! The West Side Park is now officially Sunrise Park, and it was formally announced at Dunmore Days. Thank you to everyone in the community for submitting names, and the DCA Membership for voting. Watch for new signs at the park coming soon!
Dunmore Days 2021 a Great Success!

Dunmore Days 2021 was a smashing success! Thank you to the planning committee for putting on such a great event, and to all of the volunteers who set up, ran the games and contests, and to those who cleaned up after. Thank you Cam Klatt for the tables and chairs, and the Dunmore Equestrian Society for the benches!
The Dunmore Community Association wants to recognize all of the amazing sponsors and donors for this event:
South Country Co-op
Dunmore Dugout
Cypress County Councillors
Dunmore Community Association
HALO Air Ambulance
Cypress County Fire Services
R&G Enterprises
Al's Audio
OYAKO Skincare Company
Davis GMC (BBQ)
Rising Starts Learning Centre
Procomm Solutions
Mad Hatter Comedy Club
Red Velvet Hair Salon
Bria Inspirations
Luxe Beauty Salon & Spa
Dunmore Equestrian Society
Cam Klatt
Rusty's Roadhouse
Sterling Trailers
Weir Construction
Triple G Ranch Gelbvieh
Medicine Hat Motorcycle Service
Ron Simon of Royal Lepage
Jody's Wedding & Event Decor Rentals
Cypress County
Throttle Hobbies
Action Land Environmental
Tornado Projects
Della's K-9 Connection
See you next year!
AUGUST 28, 2021
The West Side Park is OPEN!

JUNE 25, 2021
The West Side Park is officially open! The DCA would like to thank the 60+ community volunteers who gave their time over the course of 4 months to make the project a success. Our thanks without saying goes to Reeve Dan Hamilton and Cypress County Council for their immeasurable support, and to Councilors Richard Oster and Alf Belyea for lending their time and experience to the project.
Local businesses overwhelmed us by unreservedly donating their labour, materials, and equipment. Their generosity is so appreciated! Companies who donated to the park are: Inland Concrete, Prairie Concrete, Blue Imp, A.G Core, Art’s Excavating,
LMT, Rite Enterprises- The Tree People, Hranco Industries Ltd.,
WSP Group, BYZ Enterprises, Trademark Builders, Trican Well Service, and DDK Concrete Plumbing Ltd.
Trican Well Service Shows up in Big Way

JUNE 24, 2021
After 3 days of volunteers installing the park equipment in the 34 degree heat, individuals were understandably tired and worn. When the project was moving into the 4th day to replace all of the pea gravel and clean the site, Trican Well Service sent a crew of 10 people to push the project over the finish line. They spread and leveled the gravel in the large enclosure, finished site clean-up, and completed a multitude of tasks in short order. This unexpected contribution was so very welcome and appreciated. The DCA wishes to thank Trican Well Service and each individual crew member for their hard work and assistance.
West Side Park Transformation Has Started!

JUNE 14, 2021
Bob & Matt Zmurchyk from BYZ Enterprises donated the heavy equipment to get the old park equipment and rock removed in preparation for the new playground installation next week. Councilor Richard Oster donated his time and spent the day operating the equipment and removing dead trees from the park grounds. Mr. Oster has been an integral part of organizing the on-site equipment, and his direct involvement resulted in the addition of an extra piece of park equipment for our community kids due to cost savings through organizing donations. Thank you!
Rite Enterprises Donates Stump Removal

JUNE 7, 2021
Rite Enterprises - The Tree People generously donated their time and equipment to remove a series of stumps from the large playground equipment enclosure at the West Side Park. We thank them for their generosity and contribution to this project.
West Side Park Closure June 12-27
JUNE 1, 2021
NOTICE: The West Side Park will be closed from June 12 to June 27th for construction and installation of new park equipment. The area will be fenced to restrict access. Thank you to all of the businesses, Cypress County, and volunteers who are making this project possible!
Prairie Concrete and Inland Concrete Donate Berm

MAY 27, 2021
Prairie Concrete has removed the old railroad ties around the small park enclosure at the West Side Park and formed up and poured the new safety complying berm! We thank them so much for donating their time and expertise for the kids in our community. Thank you also to Inland Concrete for generously donating the concrete for this project!
150 Volunteer Hours Needed for West Side Park

MAY 14, 2021
We really need volunteers to help install 6 new pieces of playground equipment for the West Side Park on June 21-23. Please Click Here to sign up for a 2 hour shift(s) and for more details. Please help us create an amazing place for the young members of our community!
Free Advertising for Your Garage Sale

MAY 13, 2021
The DCA will be advertising Dunmore Garage sales for Saturday June 12th in the Commentator and the Medicine Hat News!
The ad will be directing readers to this website which displays the addresses and the times of participating garage sales.
Join in on the complimentary advertising by visiting our Events page and either RSVP to the event or use the Contact form on our website to send us your address and the time that your garage sale will be running.
Removal of Skate Shack & Lilac Row Complete

MAY 12, 2021
The DCA wants to say a big thank you to Cody Millington and Hranco Industries Ltd. for generously donating time, equipment and dirt to remove the row of lilac trees and the remainder of the skate shack at the West side park. They also re-graded the parking lot as an unexpected bonus!
Park Spring Clean-up a Success!

MAY 9, 2021
Thank you so much to the 30+ community members who came out over a 3-day period to work on the park and skating rink! Trees were cut, landscape was trimmed, garbage and broken concrete was removed, and there was tremendous progress towards removing the old skate shack! Efforts continue this week to finish dismantling the shack and remove the lilac row to enhance visibility and access.
**Project was spread out over 3 days to reduce group sizes to 5 or less in accordance with current Alberta Health regulations.
Removal of Bathroom at Outdoor Rink Complete

APRIL 26, 2021
The County has completed the safe removal of the old bathroom near the outdoor rink. The DCA is pleased to report that it no longer poses a safety risk to the community, and the site is prepared for the placement of a port-a-potty as soon as Covid regulations permit. Thank you Reeve Dan Hamilton and Cypress County!
DCA Membership is OPEN!

APRIL 23, 2021
The Dunmore Community Association is pleased to announce that General Membership is available to the community after many years of board-directed leadership. If you are interested in being a part of the decision-making process for upcoming projects and the management of our recreational and leisure spaces, then please join us. Cast your vote and make your voice heard! We need your support and assistance. For more details please Click Here
Rotary Club to Plant 100 trees in Dunmore

2021 DCA Projects Approved
by Cypress Council

Cypress County Council has approved a contribution up to $50,000 to the Dunmore Community Association for the for the Playground Revitalization at the West Side Park. In addition they have granted approval for replacement of the skate shack at the outdoor rink. We thank Reeve Dan Hamilton and Council for their support! The DCA plans to have both projects completed by Fall 2021.
For more details, please click here
The Medicine Hat Rotary Club in partnership with Cypress County is preparing to plant 100 trees in the newly established Rotary Centennial Park along Eagle Butte Drive in Dunmore. The project will include drip irrigation and a walking path with benches. To volunteer with the planting effort on April 30th and/or May 1st, or to purchase a tree for $200 to help support the project, please visit the Rotary Club website for details.
APRIL 20, 2021
APRIL 23, 2021
Cypress County to Remove Old Bathroom

APRIL 15, 2021
The County has taped off and barricaded the old bathroom at the outdoor rink and the dilapidated structure will be removed within the next week! The Dunmore Community Association is planning to place a port-a-potty in its place for patrons using the park, outdoor rink, and ball diamond (once Covid regulations are known and satisfied). Thank you to Cypress County!
DCA Membership Coming Soon!

APRIL 10, 2021
Membership details and fees will be released very soon to the public. The DCA needs a strong membership foundation for success in future projects and activities. Our top priority is to move away from Board-driven decision-making, and towards Member-driven goals and initiatives.
Outdoor Rink Parking Access

In August of 2020 the DCA board had a complete change-over in members. The community heeded the call, and an impressive 18 nominations were made, demonstrating the willingness of our community to get involved! The eleven successful candidates are:
AUGUST 10, 2020
Meet Our New Board of Directors
The DCA has moved that for the time being, the chain limiting access to the outdoor skating rink parking lot will be removed.
To review the meeting minutes regarding this decision
please click here.
APRIL 2, 2021