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Sign Up for Donation in Kind Advertising

The Dunmore Community Association is offering yearly donation in kind advertising to all Dunmore businesses.

Terms and Conditions:

How does this work?

  • No money changes hands (advertising is free)

  • Each year you wish to participate, we ask for a donation towards the Annual DCA Silent Auction.

  • There is no minimum size or value of donation, it's completely up to you! 

  • In addition to being added to our Local Business Directory, your business will be advertised as a contributor to the silent auction.

  • All funds received from the Annual DCA Silent Auction will be 100% invested back into the Dunmore community to upgrade existing recreational spaces or for new capital projects.

What do you have to do?

  1. Fill out the information below which includes your business name, business email, business phone, and personal contact information

  2. Upload your company logo or another image that represents your business

  3. Accept the terms (you will be contacted 60 days prior to silent auction to arrange drop-off of your donation which will typically coincide with Dunmore Days in August).  You may contact us to arrange drop-off at any time prior to that as well.

  4. Update us at if your company information changes

  5. Re-submit form yearly if you wish to participate again

What will the DCA do?

  1. Add your business to the Local Resource Directory in the order it is received (please allow 2-3 business days)

  2. Send you the direct link once your business is live so you can review it

  3. Contact you 60 days prior to the Annual Silent Auction to arrange for drop-off of your donation

  4. Advertise the Annual DCA Silent Auction and list all contributors

  5. Send you link to renew agreement for the following year by posted deadline (if you do not sign up again, your advertising will be removed from the Local Business Directory)

  6. Change displayed businesses yearly in the order forms are received

Business Logo:

Upload File

Thanks for submitting!

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