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Baseball Dugout Improvement 2024

The DCA is working to expand and improve the existing baseball dugouts.

Purpose:  to improve the existing baseball dugouts at Sunrise Baseball Diamond by expanding them, as well as adding a roof.  The DCA wants to offer a more player-friendly environment for patrons of the Baseball Diamond.


Since the amazing transformation of the ball diamond sod in 2022 and working irrigation, the DCA has received requests to rent the field from the Medicine Hat Minor Softball League and the Medicine Hat Little League from late April through Mid-June.  Both parties have expressed interest in an ongoing rental arrangement for upcoming seasons ($15/hr) as well.   The DCA will be moving forward as we view regular activity at the diamond as a great benefit to our community, and want to see this asset used as much as possible.  Usage also brings attention to the overall site and all of the attractions available to patrons.

We would like to expand and install rooves over the 2 dug-outs to provide sun protection.  These will be steel construction with piles, and have matching tin roof sheeting to complement the outdoor rink.  3 side walls will have chain link to protect the players from errant balls. 



1.  Fundraising - community fundraising events, Cypress County Recreation matching grant

2.  Approve purchase contract & Install


General Likeness of new dugouts the DCA is fundraising for:

Dugout Likeness.jpg

Timeline / Project Updates:

February 28, 2023 - Director Scott Plouffe advised the board that Medicine Hat Minor Softball League would like to rent the Sunrise Baseball Diamond for the 2023 season.  He advised that if this rental turns into an ongoing contract, we will need to provide shade for the players.  Scott took on the task of getting quotes.

April 3, 2023 - Diamond Link provided a quote for the baseball dugout improvements and was approved in principle by the board of directors

April 3, 2023 - The 2023 Recreation Grant request was sent to Cypress County which included the dugouts among many other items for the Outdoor Rink

June 5, 2023 - Cypress County approved substantial Recreation Grant funds for the Outdoor Rink project, but it did not include funds for the baseball dugouts.  

January 18, 2024 - In preparation for applying for the 2024 Recreation Grant with Cypress County, we requested an updated quote from Diamond Link Fencing. 

January 22, 2024 - Diamond Link Fencing submitted the updated quote

Diamond Link Logo.png

January 23, 2024 Diamond Link Fencing donated $1000.00 to the project!

March 22, 2024 - Cypress County Recreation Grant submitted with sole focus on basketball hoops and dugouts

March 23, 2024 - The DCA received a large GST refund cheque from building the EDF Outdoor Recreation Centre, and the board of directors approved the project to proceed with or without the Recreation Grant Funds.  If the Recreation Grant from Cypress County is not successful, we will move other expenses earmarked for 2024 into 2025.  If the grant is approved, we will proceed with those other expenses yet this year.

Diamond Link Logo.png

March 27, 2024 Diamond Link Fencing advised that the supplier (unnamed) who they were getting the roofing from had leftover blue in stock and donated it to the project.  This donation is valued at $400.00.  Thank you to the anonymous supplier and to Diamond Link Fencing for facilitating the donation!

April 29, 2024 - Diamond Link Fencing started the project but was rained out.

Dugout in Progress.jpg
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May 24, 2024 - Cypress County approved $14,985.72 capital recreation grant funding to match the DCA's funding raised to cover basketball hoops and the new dugouts.

June 4, 2024 - Diamond Link Fencing re-commenced the installation of the dugouts

June 14, 2024 - Diamond Link Fencing completed installation of the dugouts.

Diamond Link Logo.png

June 16, 2024 The DCA learned that the donor of the roofing material did not follow through, so Diamond Link generously donated the additional $400.00 in roofing materials to the project.  Thank you so much Diamond Link Fencing!

June 21, 2024 - New benches for the dugouts are on order from Uline

If you have questions about this project, please contact us via email at

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